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What we’ve been up to
Nuestra misión
En Together First nuestra misión está clara. Con la ayuda de la comunidad internacional aspiramos a:
Paso 1
Identificar posibles formas de abordar los riesgos mundiales y permitir que todo el mundo participe en la conversación
Paso 2
Priorizar las ideas principales para elaborar una lista de tareas para la comunidad internacional
Paso 3
Movilizar a las personas, las ONG, los países y las empresas para hacer realidad estas soluciones
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Somos una red de organizaciones internacionales de rápido crecimiento

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Countdown to the release of the Secretary-General's report on Our Common Agenda
Mandated by the General Assembly, the Secretary-General is producing a report with recommendations to respond to future and current challenges.
Únete a nosotrosTogether First is campaigning for the Secretary-General’s “Our Common Agenda report” to make meaningful progress on key reforms to bring more voices into multilateralism

Download your free copy of Together First’s latest report
We call on the Secretary-General to designate a senior official as a “champion” for civil society, providing them with the resourcing and support needed to enable them to deliver necessary objectives, such as:
- Increasing the Organisation’s limited capacity to engage proactively with civil society.
- More consistency in arrangements for civil society engagement across the UN system.
- And most importantly, give greater assistance to, and opportunities for, civil society organisations to engage with the UN, particularly those from the Global South, to ensure that the Organisation hears from new, more diverse and representative voices.
To read our previous reports, please click here.